This week…

It has felt very christmassy in Grayling Foundation this week. Every day we add a new advent decoration to our christmas tree and talk about advent calendars we may have at home.

In busy bees we have been enjoying playing dice games together, acting out santa with his reindeers and elf helpers, making cinnamon playdough cookies and getting very creative with the construction cubes!

Hereโ€™s to one more festive filled week and a reminder that it is our Christmas play on Monday! Families are welcome to come and watch at 1.30pm ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope to see you all then

This week…

This week we have spent lots of time practising for our christmas play and have loved using the stage to get a feel for what it will be like on the day!

Today we finished off the week with our Christmas secret shop and a talk about hedgehogs from Mrs Blackaller who helps to rescue and look after poorly hedgehogs! We saw photos of hedgehogs eating, a hoglet that was 3 days old and a hedgehog that was stuck in the fence here at damers. Thank you for coming to visit our class and show us all your photos.

Remember that there are no new phonemes but please look through the phoneme book to see which ones your child may need to revisit.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!