In Geography this term we are learning about the continents and oceans. We had fun looking at atlases this morning! The children are so good at naming the 7 continents – I think this song has really helped.
Bird spotting
In Science this term we are learning all about the animal kingdom. this week we visited the bird hide and spotted lots of different birds: blackbirds, pigeons, robins and crows!
The Big Garden Birdwatch starts onFriday 26th of January – Sunday 28th January 2024. Why not take part and spend an hour watching the birds in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park
Jammy Snails!
This term the children will be cooking Jammy Snails – they look and smell delicious!
Merry Christmas!
Myself, Mrs Beasley and Mrs Gossage would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! A huge thank you for all the lovely cards, gifts and Christmassy smiles! See you all in 2024!
Snowman DT project
The children loved designing and making their own snowman decoration this week!
Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you for all your kind donations!
A huge thank you to Waitrose on Poundbury for donating this very festive book and soft toy for Year 1 to share!
Christmas Reading Challenge!
Reading for Pleasure is so important! The children in Grayling 1 love books and this is the perfect challenge for them plus there are prizes to be won!
Bee Bots
Today in our computing session the children had a go at programming some robots!
The First Christmas
Today in RE we talked about The Christian Story of the First Christmas. We also watched this film before drawing some special pictures!