Litter pick!

Grayling 1 had a fantastic time litter picking on the Great Field! Between us we managed to collect a big bag of rubbish! Thank you to those of you that were able to come and help. Thanks to Mr Moore for sourcing enough litter pickers for everyone in Year 1! When you go on a walk with your child maybe you could take your litter picker with you!

Making Waves!

This beautiful print by Japanese artist Hokusai inspired us to create our own Great Waves!

We used pen to draw lines and shapes then added colour with pastels.

Our attention to detail was fantastic – can you spot people in the fishing boats and Mount Fuji in the background?

Internet Safety Day

Today, is National Safer Internet Day. The children have spent time both in assembly and in class, discussing and learning about how to stay safe online. The main focus of our learning has been the importance of talking to a trusted grown-up if the children come across anything they don’t like or are unsure of online. We have also looked at our SMART rules for using digital devices and the internet and the different places we can go for help. Ask your child at home about what they can remember about our discussion and for any further information or guidance about staying safe online or Safer Internet Day please visit 


This week in Geography we have been learning about coastlines Tomorrow we will be labelling our models and they will be coming home to you! We are so lucky to live near the fabulous Jurassic Coast and many of the children talked about places they have visited.

Library Books

Library books need to be back in school on a Monday ready to be changed on Tuesday morning first thing. Last week we only had 8 children return their library books. Please check in reading diaries this weekend and see if I have written the name of your child’s last library books. We would be very grateful if you could have a search around and return them next week and see if we can have a few more back. Many Thanks, Mrs Keys

Home Learning

We have had some lovely pieces of home learning coming in! Keep them coming in it is great to see what you have done.

This young lady has a great time visiting Lyme Regis and finding out all about fossils and Mary Anning!

A super fish collage!

Some great seaside puppets!